newsletter and schedules

Serving is an excellent way to engage with our church family. Whether your role involves welcoming Sunday guests, managing the live stream camera, or teaching children's classes, we'll assist you in discovering the ideal team where you can contribute in your own unique way.

Monthly Newsletters

Making disciples of Jesus Christ who Worship Passionately, Love Extravagantly, and Witness Boldly.

sunday volunteers

We appreciate your commitment to serving on Sunday mornings. See below for the schedules. If for some reason you are unable to serve the Sunday you are assigned, please contact the church or find a replacement.

First Service Schedule

Second Service Schedule

Fellowship Host Schedule

Prayer Partners 2023-2024

Our church congregation comes together to support and uplift our youth by being prayer partners. May we be a community that celebrates their successes, encourages them in times of struggle, and prays fervently for their well-being.

To add a youth (Pre-K thru 12th grade) to the list, please call the church office at 345-2445. 

Prayer Partner List
God's word is YOUR AMMO


Jeff Kelley

Call the Church office at (308) 345-2445 to begin receiving daily devotionals that will inspire and guide you in your journey to become a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ.

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A crowd of people are raising their hands in the air.
A sign for the Memorial Methodist Church in front of  brick building.
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