Our church

Welcome! We are so glad you're here!

worshiping in spirit and truth






Our church is a place where all are invited in to discover who God is and the purpose He has for all of us in His story. We think church should be one of the most engaging and exciting places on the planet—a place where people of any and all backgrounds can experience a God who is real and relevant in their lives today. And that's exactly what we want to help you do!

If you've been following God your entire life, you're welcome here. If you're new to faith, you're welcome here. If you're not really sure you believe in God at all, you're welcome here. No matter where you are on the road to faith, we want to walk alongside you. Our hope is that as you join us on the journey, you'll discover a God who is active, alive, and at work in your life.

What We Believe

We believe that church isn't just about a building with a cross. It's about having a relationship with God and each other.

  • About God & Salvation

    Anchored in our belief in Jesus Christ, the Church is of God and will be preserved to the end of time to worship God in spirit and in truth, to faithfully preach God’s Word and offer the holy sacraments, to edify all who believe and encourage them to grow in their lives of holiness and service to others, to minister to those who are in special need, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to present the world with a clear and compelling invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Lord. All those of every age and station stand in need of the grace that God has promised to extend to others through His Body, the Church.

  • About Humanity

    As individual believers in Christ, and as those gathered together in local congregations, our calling is to connect with the communities and the world around us, extending both grace and mercy. Growing in our personal faith, and effectively discipling others, are both life-long expressions of loving the Lord with all of our hearts, all of our being, and all of our minds, as well as loving our neighbor as ourselves.

  • About The Holy Spirit & The Church

    While it is ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit to change the hearts of individuals, ours is the task of sharing the good news of God as we respond to the summons of Christ in Matthew 28: “As you are going, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you,” even as Christ has promised to remain with us always, “even to the end of the age.”

  • About the bible

    The GM Church also plainly states the Bible is “the primary rule and authority for faith, morals, and service, against which all other authorities must be measured.”

To learn more about the Global Methodist Church visit this website.

We were




our core values

faith. community.

Our Church is a community of broken people, who have decided to put their complete trust in Jesus Christ. This means we believe He will help us do what we can’t -forgive, transform, give back and nurture. We invite you to worship with us.

our core values



Men and women everywhere are born to live together, not alone.  We believe we can all walk along our individual paths, together. With a strong shared sense of His love, each member of our community can find a way to live a wholesome life of faith while sharing the struggles, happy moments and wishes with other members of the church.







our core values

make our world


At Memorial Methodist we see it as a calling to connect to others through outreach in our community. Through programs such as Community Supper and Helping Hand Thrift Store our goal is to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Action in addition to prayer is how we reach others with the Gospel.



The mission of the Global Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

staff - leadership

The men and women of Memorial Methodist Church are passionate about our church. Teaching and guiding in faith, hope and love.

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